Conditions We Treat
Same Day Appointments Available, Free 30 Min Massage with a chiropractic visit for first time patients *Massage may be scheduled as separate appt.

What Can Boss Chiropractic Help Treat?


Adjustments can remove obstacles to proper immune system function in your body. If the body is out of alignment or balance, the immune system is affected, and the immune system can then mistakenly release histamine as a result. Histamine is what causes you to have an allergic reaction. 

Image of a patient receiving treatment to relieve allergies in the Woodlands, TX

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Repetitive movements without good ergonomics, such as using a computer mouse, can cause trauma in the hands and wrists. Specifically, the median nerve running from the wrist to the fingers is affected. Chiropractic care can help ensure that all joints and muscles are free of any obstruction that prevents proper function.

older person grasping their wrist in pain due to carpal tunnel syndrome in The Woodlands, TX

Disc Issues

Spinal cord discs have a poor blood supply, so they rely on the body’s circulatory system to function properly. Discs are like sponges: wet ones are healthy and flexible, dry ones are stiff and brittle. While we cannot guarantee any results, some patients have been able to avoid disc surgery with the help of our chiropractic care.

spinal discs near the shoulders and throat area | spine rehab for the Woodlands, TX


Joint and soft tissue manipulation can help manage this complicated and frustrating disease. Although a cure has yet to be found, a holistic approach that also includes supplements and/or homeopathic products has been shown to help. We are also happy to refer you to a specialist if our methods do not help. 

patient receiving joint and soft tissue manipulation to relieve pain from fibromyalgia, back pain treatment in the Woodlands, TX


An estimated 80% of headaches originate from irritated neck muscles. When you experience a high amount of stress and tension and hold it in your shoulders, the surrounding neck muscles contract. The contractions cause the vertebrae to become misaligned, which places pressure on the spinal nerves, which results in pain. Chiropractic care treats the root of your headaches — the misaligned vertebrae in your neck. However, not all headaches are cause by this, so we will be sure to perform a proper examination.

Image of a man suffering from a headache | pain treatment in the Woodlands, TX

Joint Dysfunction

This commonly occurs in the spine due to injury, poor posture, muscle tightness, scar tissue, or muscle imbalance. Once we discover which joints are showing restricted movement, we will use a combination of adjustments and Active Release Technique. If necessary, we will also demonstrate simple exercises you can do at home to maintain proper range of motion.

Image of a man holding his knee in pain

Neck and Low Back Pain  

Subluxation, or misalignments of the spinal column, are a common cause of lower back and neck pain due to the pressure placed on the nerves. Stretching and massaging may temporarily relieve the pain, but it reoccurs since the subluxation is not addressed. Our chiropractic care can correct any subluxation.

Back Pain Treatment in the Woodlands, TX


This is caused by a gradual breakdown in joint cartilage. We focus on restoring and maintaining joint function by emphasizing movement and muscle strength for support. We also perform a whole-body exam to determine if there are any other causes for the limited movement.

Image of an elderly man holding his knuckles in pain from osteoarthritis

Sciatica Pain

Though many things can cause pinched nerves, one is any misaligned vertebrae in the area. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back down the leg and can be very painful when irritated. If your pain is caused by a misaligned vertebrae, our adjustments can help.

Sciatic Pain | the Woodlands, TX

Spinal Degeneration  

There are four stages of this. Each stage depends on the amount of permanent damage to the nerves, bones, and range of motion. Though nothing is guaranteed, chiropractic adjustments can even assist at the most advanced stage with symptomatic relief. 

Image of an x-ray showing spinal degeneration


This occurs mostly in car accidents when the head is jerked back and forth beyond normal range, causing bulging, torn, and ruptured discs. The soft tissue can also be damaged. We typically treat this injury with adjustments designed to restore spinal function. If performed early enough, any scar tissue is minimized, and any inflammation reduced. 

Image of a man suffering from whiplash and neck pain in the Woodlands, TX

Contact us today to learn more!

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